While everyone was busy making and keeping their new year's resolutions, I found myself trying to cope with 2010 having arrived at all. I find myself telling everyone that this is the "year of decisions" for me -- that this is a milestone in my life and this year will determine everything for me. However, I'm beginning to realize that my year will probably be full of everything but decisions. I should say, instead, that this will be my "year of attempts, efforts, and hopes."
They say that life is just a journey and that we're all just headed toward a destination. If that's the case, then I guess in a few months I'll be shifting gears from drive to neutral. During college I was comfortably cruising along with the concrete pavement beneath, my path laid out clearly before me in a straight line headed toward graduation. My itinerary was simple: study hard and you'll be doing your job as a God-glorifying student. But these days I feel like the road ahead of me is unpaved and in unchartered territory. I've been dropped in the middle of the desert and expected to return home, bear grylls style.
So where to? These days they say to go east because that's where all the money is... which way's east? What if my destination's to the south? west? north?
Frankly, I do know where to look for guidance -- it's just a matter of whether I will trust the direction that such guidance will give me. "Look to the heavens and ask for help" my spirit advises me... and so I will lift my eyes to the mountains, from whence my help does come.
so this is the new year.

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