1. good concert
2. good performer
3. tolerable concert
4. bad concert
5. bad performer
Of course you can mix and match certain characteristics. For instance, the last concert I saw (Wilco) was a mix of 2 and 3: good performer, tolerable concert -- making the overall concert experience just slightly above average.
Last night I saw Bon Iver perform at the Wiltern, and in the midst of it I realized that their performance was beyond my scale. They were great performers and that was a great concert.
I was happy from the getgo because there was seating -- something I came to appreciate once I realized that I'm not tall enough to watch concerts whilst standing. I got to the concert at the end of the opening act, Mega Fun (who were also very awesome), excited to hear Bon Iver live for the first time. I mean, could their three-part harmony and amazing, funky sounds be reproduced live just as well as on their recordings and youtube clips?
More than words.
The trio, plus a guy that switched back and forth from bass to drums, were amazing. Seeing them live had so much more soul and quality than hearing them on recordings. I was amazed at how Justin Vernon could sing so powerfully in such a quiet voice and crescendo into a strong, full voice within the same song. I constantly felt both the urge to smile and cry at the same time as each song ended because the songs were so beautiful.
My favorite song that they performed of the night was Skinny Love. They performed it with such conviction in their music, and that made it all the more moving.
Conviction can make even the ugly beautiful.