Friday, January 30, 2009

This I Believe

One NPR show that I listen to regularly is titled "This I Believe." One of the recent episodes highlights Tarak McLain, a seven year old from Austin, Texas who wrote a list of 100 things he believes in to celebrate his 100th day of kindergarten. The show highlighted 30, here are my favorites:

I believe life is good.

I believe God is in everything.

I believe we’re all equal.

I believe we can help people.

I believe everyone is weird in their own way.

I believe hate is a cause for love.

I believe brothers and sisters should be kind to each other.

I believe people should go outside more.

I believe in nature.

I believe God is in good and bad.

I believe love is everywhere.

I believe it's okay to die but not to kill.

I believe we can make peace.

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